Hello Holy Spirit, I am Five Years Old
"For your arrows have sunk into me, and your hand has come down on me." – Psalm 38:2
He has pursued, pierced and captured me for himself. He has set his sights upon me, drawn back his mighty battle bow and released his arrows of flaming sovereign harvest. His hand has descended upon my life, and from its eternal grip I shall not be released.
He Pursues Me
God’s pursuit of me is perfect.
Before the foundations of the world were laid you knew my name (Revelation 13:8). Within my unknown mother’s womb you formed my soul and wove your wondrous gifts within me (Psalm 139:13). You rescued me from the blade of abortion and set me in loving arms of adoption, extended without condition. In the darkest of valleys, hemmed in on every side by legions I called upon your name and you came to make your home within me. In my youth, you sent me to the nations. Set free to wander the world you loved, you pursued my heart with a jealously stronger than the grave.
He Pierces Me
When I prayed in the late summer of my years, “O Lord, I want to be like you, in all ways, in all things and in all places,” little did I know what I asked, you Lord, were pierced.
“He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace.” – Isaiah 53:5
Your arrows have sunk deep. Piercing to the point of dividing soul from spirit, penetrating every fibre of this temple, made holy by your wounds. Even the marrow of my bones is brought before you, chastised and reformed into the image of your likeness. Your arrows enter the thoughts and intentions of my heart, they are examined and found wanting before you.
For this I have been called, to become like you in all things. Because you were pierced, you now pierce me, that I may share in the fellowship of your sufferings, become like you in death and eventually know the glorious power of your resurrection to eternal life.
For this I have been called, to become like you in all things. Because you were pierced, you now pierce me, that I may share in the fellowship of your sufferings, become like you in death and eventually know the glorious power of your resurrection to eternal life. May you daily pierce me to the glory of your name, and as a result, may this confession ring true, “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives through me.”
He Captures Me
Your hand has captured me. The power of its presence comforts me. The heat from your tender touch sets my heart aflame. Hidden within, I am safe. No power or person can release me from your sovereign clutch. You are mighty to save. You do not lose what belongs to you. In unapproachable light you eternally live, who dares enter your courts to steal what belongs to you? Even the very earth and sky flee from your presence as your power crowds them out! Your hand has come down on me. I am yours.
You engraved my name on the palm of your hand before the dawn of the first morning. By grace you will raise me up with the power of your hand on the last day. From your eternal grip, I shall not be released.
The voice of one pierced by his arrows cries out – “All hail to Jesus Christ – the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.” The earth and sky, the heavens above and the fires below all declare the glory of His name. All creation to its knees – for the Lamb who was Slain, eternally seated at the right hand of God is soon to come, and with him heaven’s armies. He will bring the fire of his holy justice, avenge the blood of his servants, and unleash his full wrath upon the nations. Hallelujah. Come, Lord Jesus – come!