Why the final frontiers of the Great Commission matter. Exploring the marriage between the ends of the earth and the end of the age in Jesus' final six words before His ascension.
On the fourth watch of my last night, I made my way to the top of a hill and built a small fire before dawn cracked the wilderness sky. Sitting in silence before the Lord, waiting, listening, hoping. The warmth of the fire was a small comfort. It had been many days, and I was hungry.
Violent and terrifying screams echoed out across the ancient and unreached village nestled in the volcanic foothills of the island where my family lived. As I got up and went outside to see what was happening, I realized there was a serious...
Over the following four months the Lord pursued our family with fury. I was being awakened, renewed, and transformed by the unmerited grace of his presence made available to me through the imputed righteousness of Christ.
Immediately my heart jumped as I feared something was wrong. My wife gently prompted my daughter to tell me what happened just minutes before at the breakfast table. "Daddy," she said in a quiet whisper...